Preprints & Manuscripts in preparation/under review
Maulhardt SR, Solway A, Charpentier CJ (under review). Information uncertainty influences learning strategy from sequentially delayed rewards. [preprint] [data & code]
Kluen LM, Charpentier CJ, Cockburn J, Rusch T, Aenugu SR, Li Y, Tadayonnejad R, Alvarez RM, O'Doherty JP (submitted) The cognitive foundations of conspirational thinking. [preprint]
Thyagaraj, Y., Topel, S., & Charpentier, C. J. (2025). Biased information-seeking and information-integration in social anxiety. Current Opinion in Psychology, 102002.
Guigon, V., Villeval, M. C., & Dreher, J. C. (2024). Metacognition biases information seeking in assessing ambiguous news. Communications psychology, 2(1), 122.
Charpentier CJ, Wu Q, Min S, Ding W, Cockburn J, O’Doherty JP (2024). Heterogeneity in strategy use during arbitration between experiential and observational learning. Nature Communications, 15, 4436. [URL] [preprint] [data & code]
Wu Q, Oh S, Tadayonnejad R, Feusner JD, Cockburn J, O'Doherty JP*, Charpentier CJ* (2024). Individual differences in autism-like traits are associated with reduced goal emulation in a computational model of observational learning. Nature Mental Health, in press. * equal contribution [URL] [preprint] [data & code]
Vázquez D, Peña-Flores N, Maulhardt SR, Solway A, Charpentier CJ, Roesch MR (2024). Anterior cingulate cortex lesions impair multiple facets of task engagement during reward-guided decision-making. Cerebral Cortex, 34(8), bhae332. [URL] [code]
Vázquez D, Maulhardt SR, Stalnaker TA, Solway A, Charpentier CJ, Roesch MR (2024). Optogenetic inhibition of rat anterior cingulate cortex impairs the ability to initiate and stay on task. The Journal of Neuroscience, 44(20), e1850232024. [URL] [code]
Wise T, Charpentier CJ, Dayan P, Mobbs D (2023). Interactive cognitive maps support flexible behavior under threat. Cell Reports, 42, 113008. [PDF] [preprint]
Nussenbaum K, Martin RE, Maulhardt SR, Yang YJ, Bizzell-Hatcher G, Bhatt NS, Koenig M, Rosenbaum GM, O'Doherty JP, Cockburn J, Hartley CA (2023). Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development. eLife, 12, e84260. [PDF]
Charpentier CJ*, Vellani V*, Cogliati Dezza I*, Globig L, Gädeke M, Sharot T (2022). Anxiety selectively increases information-seeking in response to large changes. Scientific Reports, 12, 7385. * equal contribution. [URL] [preprint]
Charpentier CJ*, Dezza IC* (2022). Information-seeking in the brain. In The drive for knowledge: the science of human information-seeking (Eds. I. Cogliati Dezza, E. Schulz & C. Wu). Cambridge University Press. * equal contribution. [preprint]
Wise T, Zbozinek TD, Charpentier CJ, Michelini G, Hagan CC, Mobbs D (2022). Computationally-defined markers of uncertainty aversion predict trajectories of perceived threat and anxiety during a global pandemic. Emotion. [URL] [preprint]
Bauer BW, Hom MA, Karnick AT, Charpentier CJ, Keefer LA, Capron DW, Rudd MD, Bryan CJ (2022). Does hopelessness accurately predict how bad you will feel in the future? Initial evidence of affective forecasting errors in individuals with elevated suicide risk. Cognitive Therapy and Research. [URL] [PDF]
Rusch T*, Charpentier CJ* (2021). Domain specificity versus process specificity: The “social brain” during strategic interaction. Neuron, 109(20), 3236-3238. * equal contribution. [URL] [PDF]
Zbozinek TD*, Charpentier CJ*, Qi S, Mobbs D (2021). Economic decisions with ambiguous outcome magnitudes vary with low and high stakes but not trait anxiety or depression. Computational Psychiatry, 5(1), 119–139. * equal contribution. [URL] [preprint] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ et al. (2021). How representative are neuroimaging samples? Large-scale evidence for trait anxiety differences between fMRI and behaviour-only research participants. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, nsab057. [URL] [preprint] [PDF] [data & code]
Charpentier CJ, O'Doherty JP (2021). Computational approaches to mentalizing during observational learning and strategic social interactions. In: Gilead M., Ochsner K.N. (eds) The Neural Basis of Mentalizing. Springer, Cham. 489-501. [URL] [preprint]
O'Doherty JP, Lee SW, Tadayonnejad R, Cockburn J, Iigaya K, Charpentier CJ (2021). Why and how the brain weights contributions from a mixture of experts. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 123:14-23. [URL] [preprint] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ, Iigaya K, O'Doherty JP(2020). A neuro-computational account of arbitration between choice imitation and goal emulation during human observational learning. Neuron, 106(4):687-699.e7. [URL] [PDF] [data] [code]
Commentary: Arbitrating computational models of observational learning [URL]
Press release: Watch and learn: Study shows how brain gains knowledge through observation [URL]
BrainPost article: Learning involves flexibly switching between imitation and emulation strategies [URL]
Caltech Breakthrough Campaign e-magazine article: A piece of the puzzles [URL]
Stamatis CA, Puccetti NA, Charpentier CJ, Heller AS, Timpano K (2020). Repetitive negative thinking following exposure to a natural stressor prospectively predicts altered stress responding and decision-making in the laboratory. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 129:103609. [URL] [code]
Nord CL, Halahakoon DC, Limbachya T, Charpentier CJ, Lally N, Walsh V, Liebowitz J, Pilling S, Roiser JP (2019). Neural predictors of treatment response to brain stimulation and psychological therapy in depression: a double-blind randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(9):1613-1622. [URL]
Charpentier CJ, O'Doherty JP (2018). The application of computational models to social neuroscience: promises and pitfalls. Social Neuroscience, 13(6):637-647. [URL] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ, Bromberg-Martin ES, Sharot T (2018). Valuation of knowledge and ignorance in mesolimbic reward circuitry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(31):E7255-E7264. [URL] [PDF] [data & code]
Commentary: Information utility in the human brain [URL]
Press release: How your brain decides between knowledge and ignorance [URL]
Media Coverage by How the brain decides whether to learn or stay blissfully unaware [URL]
Blog Post: Our brains reward learning unless we expect the news to be negative [URL]
Charpentier CJ, Aylward J, Roiser JP, Robinson OJ (2017). Enhanced risk aversion, but not loss aversion, in unmedicated pathological anxiety. Biological Psychiatry, 81(12):1014-1022. [URL] [PDF]
Nord CL, Gray A, Charpentier CJ, Robinson OJ, Roiser JP (2017). Unreliability of putative fMRI biomarkers during emotional face processing. Neuroimage, 156: 119-127. [URL] [PDF]
Media Coverage by Neuroskeptic: Unreliability of fMRI emotional biomarkers [URL]
Charpentier CJ, De Neve J-E, Li L, Roiser JP, Sharot T (2016). Models of affective decision-making: how do feelings predict choice? Psychological Science, 27(6): 763-775. [URL] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ*, Hindocha C*, Roiser JP, Robinson OJ (2016). Anxiety promotes memory for mood-congruent faces but does not alter loss aversion. Scientific Reports, 6: 24746. * equal contribution [URL] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ, De Martino B, Sim AL, Sharot T, Roiser JP (2016). Emotion-induced loss aversion and striatal-amygdala coupling in low anxious individuals. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(4): 569-579. [URL] [PDF]
Moutsiana C, Charpentier CJ, Garrett N, Cohen MX, Sharot T (2015). Human frontal-subcortical circuit and asymmetric belief updating. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(42): 14077-14085. [URL] [PDF]
Arcizet F, Mirpour K, Foster DJ, Charpentier CJ, Bisley JW (2015). LIP activity in the inter-stimulus interval of a change detection task biases the behavioral response. Journal of Neurophysiology, 114(5): 2637-2648. [URL] [PDF]
Charpentier CJ, Moutsiana C, Garrett N, Sharot T (2014). The brain’s temporal dynamics from a collective decision to individual action. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(17): 5816-5823. [URL] [PDF]
Mandairon N, Kermen F*, Charpentier CJ*, Sacquet J, Linster C, Didier A (2014). Context-driven activation of odor representations in the absence of olfactory stimuli in the olfactory bulb and piriform cortex. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:138. * equal contribution [URL]
Nord CL, Lally N, Charpentier CJ (2013). Harnessing electric potential: DLPFC tDCS induces widespread brain perfusion changes. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7:99. [URL]